Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Male Health Herbs

Increase Sperm Count, increase semen volume - Low sperm count: "1. Orchis mascula (salabmisri): This is a terrestrial orchid, extremely nutritious and acts as a best tonic in loss of sexual desires and ability. Salab mishri is an erect, herbaceous, much-branched, softly hairy annual that has purple or crimson flowers. The plant is considered sacred for Hindus. The leaves yield a volatile oil (VO) that is reported to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and insecticide actions. An aqueous decoction of the complete dried plant is reported to reduce blood sugar level. The juice of the leaves has diaphoretic, antiperiodic, stimulating and expectorant properties; it is used in catarrh and bronchitis and is applied to the skin in case of ringworm and other topical diseases.

2. Parmelia parlata (charil or lichen): It is an astringent and its action causes constraint of the seminal vesicles and helps to manage the flow of the discharge.Parmelia perlata (charil or lichen) is lichen rising in rosettes or erratically spreading over the substratum giving the looks of a flower - hence the name. It is mostly composed of fungal mycelia that form a network enclosing algal cells or gonidia. The plant is astringent, bitter, acrid, cooling, anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac. It is helpful in conditions like sores, boils, inflammations, seminal weakness and amenorrhea.

3. Argyreia speciosa (extract of vridhradaroka root): It acts as a tonic and is effective in spermatorrhoea. Leaves ovate or cordate, up to twelve inch long, glabrous above, white tomentose beneath, long stalked. Flowers in cymes; bracts large, thin, veined, pubescent outside, glabrous inside, calyx white, tomentose outside; corolla funnel shaped, silky pubescent outside, tube some what inflated, rose-purple, about two inch long. Root cylindrical, one to 1.5 centimeters thick; brown, smooth, round wood is scant, supple, and smooth, latex oozes at cuts. Seeds are enclosed in a stone, pale yellow-brown globose apiculate, indehiscent berry 1.2 to two centimeters in diameter containing four erect, curved embryos with corrugated cotyledons or 2 seeds embedded in a meaty pulp.

4. Lactuca scariola (ext. kahu): The juice is an anodyne, sedative and demulcent. Spiky Lettuce (Lactuca serriola) is an twelve-monthly or biennial plant that is usually measured a weed of orchards, roadsides and field crops. The closest wild relative of cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sativa), it grows throughout the temperate regions of all major continents. The leaves grow along a spiny stem and get ever smaller as they reach its top. They emit a milky sap when cut. Many flowers are shaped and usually appear in the upper part of the plant.

5. Mucuna pruriens (kavach or kauch seed): Mucuna Pruriens (Kapikacchu), also called as Cowhage, and velvet bean contains a very influential neurotransmitter pre-cursor L-Dopa. Mucuna pruriens (Kapikachhu) is a supposed remedy of Ayurveda in nervous and sexual diseases. Conventionally, Mucuna pruriens (Kapikachhu) is usually used as carminative, hypertensive and hypoglycemic agent. Mucuna pruriens (Kapikachhu) has been found to contain L-DOPA, 40 mg/g of the plant. The plant or seeds contain the bioactive alkaloids like mucunine, mucunadine, mucuadinine, pruriendine and nicotine, besides Beta sitosterol, glutathione, lecithin, oils, venolic and gallic acids. Studies in experimental model show L-Dopa also helps in the decrease of cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

6. Tribulus terrestris (gokharu): Tribulus terrestris is a prostrate annual herb regarded as the most powerful herb in Ayurvedic system of medication. Its main constituent is harmine. It is a diuretic drug useful in urolithiasis, dysurea, impotence or erectile dysfunction and kidney dysfunction. It has tonic and aphrodisiac properties. It is known to augment the quantity of semen and is helpful in diseases of the genitourinary tract. The plant and seeds have spasmolytic and cardio tonic activity.

7. Hygrophila spinosa (talamakhona): Talmakhona acts as a tonic. It is a healthy, erect, annual herb. The stems are sub-quadrangular with thickened nodes; the leaves are oblanceolate, with a yellow colored spine in its axil; the flowers pale, purple blue, densely clustered in axils; the fruits are oblong, glabrous capsules, four to eight seeded

8. Suvarnavang: It is an invigorator and rejuvenator.

The ingredients Speman are so combined that they renew spermatozoa and thicken the semen. There is no point in producing more sperm though if the worth is poor. If the sperm is thick and a deep white color then you have healthy sperm, if on the other hand it is gooey and only a little white then your sperm is of low or bad quality."

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